1.Full and abbreviated name as per the By-laws | Joint-Stock Company Registrar association STATUS (AO STATUS) |
2.Number of the License issued by the authorized Federal Executive Body | No. 10-000-1-00304 dd. 12.03.2004. Validity date is unlimited |
3.Title and name of the top manager | Director General – Sviridov Aleksey V. |
4.Legal address | Russia, 109544, Moscow, Novogorozhskaya st., 32, 1 |
5.Details of the agreement concluded with the register holder | Engagement agreement for keeping register of the owners of registered securities No. 48-11/5292 dd. February 11, 2011 |
6.Mailing address | Russia, 109544, Moscow, Novogorozhskaya st., 32, 1 |
7.Site | www.rostatus.ru |
Information about the Issuer’s auditor
Full name of the company: Joint-Stock Company KPMG
Abbreviated name of the company: AO KPMG
Location: Russia, Moscow, Olimpiysky prospect, 18/1, 3035.
Tel., Fax: (495) 937-4477; (495) 937-4400.
Licence No. Е 003330 for audit activity issued on January 17, 2003 by RF Ministry of Finance for the period of 5 years was extended till January 17, 2013. Member of self-controlling auditors association – NP Audit Chamber of Russia — main recording registration number (ORNZ): 10301000804. Record date: 28.12.2009.
Organized equity markets, where VSMPO shares are in high demand:
1. Open Joint Stock Company Russian Trading System Stock Exchange :
— VSMO Classic Stock Market
— VSMOG T+0 Market JSC RTS
2. Closed joint stock company " Stock Exchange ММВБ" (www.micex.com). Code of the security, included into the quotation list «B» — VSMO.